Heage Windmill has won Best Volunteer Project in the Derbyshire Heritage Awards for its Trouble at Mill Appeal (TAMA).
The award honours the magnificent efforts made by volunteers at Heage to get the windmill quickly back in action after wet rot was discovered in the cap structure.
The event was attended by Angela Ward, Chair of the Friends of the windmill, Lynn Allen representing the fundraising team and Alan Clark, who was one of operations team, both teams being set up to deal with the emergency following the discovery of wet rot in August 2015.
As Angela reports: ‘It was quite nail biting as I think we were in the most contested category and I believe there may have been 6 or 7 worthy contenders. When Andy Potter (Radio Derby) announced the winners as Heage Windmill, I felt so privileged to represent the Friends & Volunteers of the Mill, such an excellent team of hardworking, committed and enthusiastic people who give their time freely to ensure that the ‘Old Lady’ keeps turning for everyone to enjoy. The award was just the icing on the cake after a demanding time getting her better!’
The award plaque will be on permanent display as soon as this can be organised.