Opening of a New Season

The mill officially opened for the 2012 season on Saturday, April 7th. See all the photos…

Heage Windmill was opened for its 11th season by Mr Alan Gifford, Trustee, Volunteer and Visit Peak Excel Volunteer of the Year 2011.

Alan was driven  to the windmill in an open-topped, 1926 vintage, 3.5litre  Bentley and was welcomed by the Belper Town Crier and a retired Royal Marines Bugler, as well as fellow Trustees, Friends and other Volunteers, members of Midlands Mills Group, members of the Shore family and many other visitors to Heage Windmill.

Alan was first asked to unfurl the Derbyshire flag to open the site and then to cut a ribbon to open the mill doors for the season. Alan spoke of the journey that both he and the windmill had travelled during his 30 years of involvement, including the immense despairs and great triumphs that occurred during the restoration.

He was then presented with a specially made book recording his involvement working for Heage, and other mills, over the last 35 years.

The Chairman, Piers Bostock, spoke of Alan’s constant presence over the years and likened him to a post mill, as it is “the post round which the whole mill revolves”.

Alan then led the planting of a Hornbeam tree, from which it is hoped, eventually,  cogs which fit into the mill’s stone nut, will be made. Many volunteers assisted with the planting.


Alan was accompanied by his wife, Judith, his son Ian and daughter Anita and grandson Elliott Staley. Judith was presented with flowers from the Friends and Alan also presented flowers to two long standing volunteers, Margaret Bonsall and and Margaret Tomkins, who are recovering from illness,. Both were warmly greeted by all the Friends.

The Shore family, several descendants of whom were present today, had been owners, and millers,  at Heage Windmill between 1850 and 1919.


Sun shines on Vintage Tractors

The visit of vintage tractors on May 6 was highly successful and for once this year the sun (mostly) shone on us . We were able to use an additional adjacent piece of  land  for the first time, too, giving us additional space to  better display more than 20 different machines , some over 40 years old. They ranged in condition from gleaming restored tractors to some which were just starting their restoration life. The pleasant weather certainly brought out the visitors, with over 100 people touring the mill whilst another 260 visited the event and enjoyed the carnival-like atmosphere.



Morris Minor Meet

Sunday, April 22nd, Heage Windmill was a ‘Mecca’ for Morris 1000 enthusiasts as we welcomed the Mansfield and District Morris 1000 club.

The lovely little Morris 1000 was a first car for many in the 60s and in subsequent years, so the event was a great chance to become re-acquainted with them.


The Mansfield club, like all other Morris Minor clubs, was formed to promote the preservation and use of the postwar Morris Minor, 1.6 million of which were built between 1948 and 1971.  It was designed by Sir Alec Issigonis (creator of the Mini) and built by William Morris (Lord Nuffield) and later by the British Motor Corporation and then British Leyland. Its innovative design, simplicity, durability and style have created fame and familiarity known the world over.

The club exists to unite these people who have a fondness for these loveable jellymoulds, and those people who still use them as everyday transport.

Photos from the event will appear here soon…