Congratulations to Sue Colclough from Clowne for winning this year’s Heage Windmill Art Challenge, now renamed the Margaret Bonsall Art Challenge in honour of the long-time past organiser of the event..
Under largely bright clear blue skies, the competing artists were invited to produce an image of the windmill, in the media of their choice, in just under four hours.

Sue Colclough, a painter with the Barlborough & Clowne Art Group, produced an appealing acrylic representation on canvas.
Certificates and monetary prizes were given out by the two Judges -Bryan Bonsall and Doreen Andrews, both artists from Matlock Artists Society.
Bryan, the husband of the late Margaret, presented her with the new trophy, a Dartington crystal rose bowl, which will be held for one year by the winner.

Second place went to Steven Ullyatt of Derby. Third was Mandy Ahlfors of Heage.
There was also a competition, for juniors under 16, which was won by 7 year old Amy Womble, who lives in nearby Harthill, for her acrylic on canvas.
The event was kindly sponsored by Alan Wilde Coaches of Heage in memory of Albert Wilde.